Help us Help others. The donations & support from people like you are what fueled us to help others every single day. This page describes the various ways you could take part in supporting our mission.
You could help by Volunteering or Donating. You could share your special skills or resources by Partnering with us. And you can donate important items like Tents or Forklifts.
Our mission is to support Maui westside and the healing & rebuilding of Lahaina. And it's the support of people like you, that are the life blood of Nāpili Noho !

Financial donations are crucial for our operations and long term plans as our journey to help those directly effected by the Lahaina Fires is fueled by the contributions of volunteers and donors like you. Go to the Donate page for more info & click the donate button to use a credit/debit card, or Paypal account. We thank you for contributing to the 'Maui Emergency Relief Fund' going directly to Nāpili Noho and our mission helping those in need to heal and recover from the disastrous Lahaina fire.
Mahalo for your tax deductible contributions.

We believed in the collective power of our communityand encouraged people to come join us, rebuild and rise together. Mahalos to the many volunteers that helped us keep our hub running smoothly.
For volunteering they could come to Napili park at 8:45am or Noonish and sign up in person or you can sign up online. For online signups we used (and linked to) the app 'Shift'. Sometimes people had a little trouble with the app and would have be patient with it. To signup for volunteering at Napili Noho they would click the 'volunteer sign up' button. Then make a 'Shift' account and the sign up for Napili Noho Shifts.
All shifts would start Hawaii time at 9am mornings and 12:20 pm afternoons Hawaii Time (HST).
Our volunteers were the life blood of this mission. Many mahalos to each and every one.
Mahalo Nui Loa

We were always interested to connect with community partners. Having people fill out our partner form to let us know specific services or specialties and if they were part of an organization, group, business or solo.
You can help by Volunteering or Donating. You can share your special skills or resources by Partnering with us. And you can also donate important items like Tents or Forklifts.
With many mahalos to all who helped in this mision, your generous support will always be deeply appreciated.